How to Build your own JWT Authentication with WebFlux and Spring Security

Intro In this tutorial I’ll demo how to use Spring Boot, Spring WebFlux and Spring Security to build a custom authentication based on JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Users will be able to sign in using a username and password and the application will exchange those for a JWT which can be used to make authenticated requests. 🍿 Watch on YouTube or get the code from GitHub …

How to Deserialize JSON to Kotlin Data Classes using Spring Boot and Jackson

Intro In this tutorial, I’ll demo how to use Spring Boot and Jackson to deserialize JSON into Kotlin classes. This is handy when consuming third-party APIs using RestTemplate or WebClient. I’ll also cover custom deserializers and how you can let Spring Boot manage them using the JsonComponent annotation. 🍿 Watch on YouTube or get the code from GitHub …

How To Log Records in JSON with Spring Boot and Logback

Intro In this tutorial I’ll demo how to give your log records a bit more structure by logging directly in JSON format, using Spring Boot and Jackson. 🍿 Watch on YouTube or get the code from GitHub …

How to Limit API Calls with Spring Boot and Redis

Intro In this tutorial I’ll demo how to impose a rate limit on your API clients, by making sure they can only perform a certain number of requests in a given interval. To automatically reset limits I’ll be using Redis as a datastore. 🍿 Watch on YouTube or get the code from GitHub …

Generate TOTP Codes with Spring Boot and Google Authenticator

Thinking a username and password are enough? Think again! Dive into the exciting world of TOTP codes with Spring Boot and Google Authenticator. Ever wondered how that six-digit magic number pops up on your phone every 30 seconds? Let's unravel the mystery together!

How to Handle API Errors with Spring WebFlux and WebClient

Intro In this tutorial, I’ll demo how to consume the GitHub API using the Spring Boot WebClient. The exciting part will be handling the response body if the API doesn’t return the content we expect but replies with an error body instead. 🍿 Watch on YouTube or get the code from GitHub …

How to Run a Spring Boot App in Docker on the Raspberry Pi

Intro In this tutorial I’ll demo how to wrap a Spring Boot app into a Docker container and deploy the whole thing on a fresh Raspberry Pi. 🍿 Watch on YouTube or get the code from GitHub …

The Dead Letter Queue

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